How To Handle Online College Group Projects


    If you’re enrolled in an online college, you might be expecting a lot of assignments to be done on your own. However, group projects still exist in the virtual learning landscape. How do you navigate working with a group online? Here are the steps you should take.

    The early groundwork

    Depending on your college, you might be studying with people from different time zones. Make sure to work with people who are in a similar time zone. If that’s not possible, set an optimal schedule that allows all members to communicate regardless of the time zone.

    Also, each group member should have roles that are related to their academic strengths. The chosen group leader must be comfortable being in that position. At the end of the groundwork discussion, each member will have a role, and the group should have a working schedule set.

    The mode of communication

    Your online college will have a preferred communication medium. Each medium has its own purpose. For example, emails are the most formal and professional way to communicate with other students and instructors. When it comes to group projects, members can use a less formal channel more suited for group conversations.

    The group should organize conference calls during significant points of the project. For example, calls before the project starts, when nearing the deadline, and during a hiccup. Each member should also give individual updates on their part of the work.

    Handling friction

    Group members will disagree here and there, but people should make sure they do it while being respectful. If there’s mandatory peer evaluation, groupmates can hold each other accountable. If the group is having trouble with synergy and coordination, don’t be afraid to let your professor know the problem. It’s better to report internal problems while the project is still in the early stages.
