How To Differentiate Reputable Online Colleges From The Bogus Ones


    When online colleges first started coming out, people viewed it more as a peculiarity. Most people were uncertain whether they had any intrinsic value at all. But recently, more and more traditional colleges and universities have started coming out with an online presence. It is said that almost a third of all conventional brick-and-mortar higher education institutions now offer online courses.

    Studies have also shown that 28% of students today are taking at least one online course. This is projected to go way up, especially with the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. But the question is, which online schools offer reputable online degree programs?

    Distinguishing between legitimate and bogus online education institutions is critical, as this will significantly affect your career future. You will, of course, want a degree that your future employers will accept and respect. Here are four things that you should evaluate before considering an online college.

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    The online school’s reputation and standing

    This could be quite tricky as some of them can create fake reviews and testimonials. You have to do a lot of research and dig very deep. One of the most tell-tale sign is if they only have a P.O. box or suite number. Anyone should be able to get in touch with them easily, and they should even have a real physical office.

    Check for accreditation

    Reputable online colleges should have accreditation from reputable accrediting agencies. You shouldn’t just check the online college’s website; you should also look into the agencies that give out the accreditation. The accreditors may vary from state to state, so check with the Council for Higher Education Accreditation for the list.

    Time frame in earning the degree

    fake online colleges are diploma mills. They churn out degrees very fast. If they offer you an online college degree in just a matter of months, it’s highly likely that they are only after your money.

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    The quality and quantity of the school’s graduates

    try to get accurate and reliable information and data on the number of graduates that come from their online college. You may also do some research on what employers think about the graduates of that online school. Compare the number of graduates and those that have found good jobs. Job placement rates will be your gauge here.
